Hydur - The Brand – hydur.com



We are all tired of fashion and product brands which have readily available products that are bought by the masses.

We are born individual so why do we have to have products which are not.

Introducing Hydur, a brand that curates quintessential products that provide individuality and personalisation which, we believe, drive memorability for our customers.

We at Hydur, produce unique pieces and collectives, segmented by the number pieces in each drop. Unlike the other brands, we tell you upfront on the uniqueness of a product and limit quantities for each drop by regionality.

Our collectives are defined as:

  • One of One
  • One of Five
  • One of Ten
  • One of Fifty
  • One of a Hundred Plus


Each of our drops are designed by our team of next-gen creatives with our customers in mind.  We like to call these collectable products that in time will surge in value and are certified for uniqueness.

Join the “Born to Differ” movement and check out our unique collectives.

Click here to know more about our Brand